
And not just any footie. In sweden I watched La liga, in Holland Champions league hupping for the dutchies.

I have a happy pile

With some much needed new clothes. Common! It's gonna be winter soon and I freeze easilly so I got me some nice and cosy knitted top thingies. I also learned why everything (atleast everything warm and cosy) here is short sleeved - because you're supposed to wear layer on layer. I guess I could have figured that one out myself. Layer on layer it is . I'm so happy to be inside dry and warm. Fall can be pretty but it can also suck reallllllyy bad with the raining...

My house

in the middle of the street....

This morning around 8'o clock my seemingly crazy neighbour (I resent calling her crazy but she must have some sort of disorder) started her screaming. I heard something along the lines of "fucking lesbos" and "FUCK YOU" amongst other things, I was far to sleepy to make much sense of it.

At our housemeeting a few weeks back the subject came up with the dissapearing toilettpaper rolls (someone snatches them from the bathroom, it's highly annoying so now noone puts any new paper in they just bring a paper roll with them) and this woman (the only one not in the meeting even though it was her idea to begin with but she refused to leave her room at that point) seems to be the purpetrator (mind the spelling lol) the purp! So the subject of her yelling curses in english randomly happened to come up and it turns out that it's not uncommon at all. And she's not on the phone, she just suddenly starts screaming. My housemates said usually she screams "fuck you xxx" (xxx being her name). I find it interesting that it's all in english seeing as shes dutch.'s all very weird seeing as when you meet her in the hallway and talk to her shes calmity herself and speaks with a really soft voice and is very nice. (then again, that's what makesit scary too...)


I don't know what I did but suddenly the background is back on my blogg. Yay. A grey rainy day here in Deventer, I feel very much like staying inside the whole day but I have a few things I want to pickup downtown so I'm gonna get dressed and get moving. After that I'm spending the afternoon warm and dry inside reading a good book and sipping on my coffee.

Today I'm sending postcards (this windmill is in one of them. AND I have taken pictures of said windmill aswell. Past sunday I just hapened to walk right by it)

As if

to make me feel better for spending so much money lately my erasmus schollarship just rolled into my account. The big part of it, there's still more to come.

I just noticed that my upper arms are bruised ...from carrying the magnetron I suppose, haha. I'm such a weakling. Today I'm having lasagna for dinner! I haven't had lasagna since sis and I cooked it months and months ago. Ofcourse I'm not cooking it myself because that would require me getting a shitload of kitchen equipment and stuff that I don't have. So the more advanced cooking will have to stand back a bit here in Holland. But I'm creative so I think I shall manage just fine.

Short weird day

Yeah I don't know what to say about the day, everyone seemed unhappy and unpleased with things. Or maybe that was jut my group who had an ego trip last week and then landed on our bellies this week. I don't feel hurt or offended, the rest of my group did though and that set the mood for the rest of the day.

We ended early so I took the train back to Deventer and went shopping! Got me a coat:

Now I'm sitting here in my new coat realising I could have gotten a blue one, haha. This will do, its quite cute. I'll just have to wear other colourfull things with it. Like pink mittens! And a mössa.

I was trying to find me pictures of the other things I bought but without success. Got two neautral tops and two really cute tuniks I guess they are. Longer top thingies.

Now I'm gonna try and get a little studying done and try and ignore my singing housemate.

Can't be posted enough times, a source to unlimited laughter.

Oven baked

Whatever... or microwaved brinta! I has it!

The thing is huge and has bars (I dunno what you call the iron thingies lol) and plates (the black iron thingie) and...I could bake things if I wanted to. To put it in dutch, it has: Met draaitafel, hoog en laag rooster, vierkant rooster en bakplaat.

And on the picture you can also see my baby - the fridge. I have everything I need for a nice comfortable living now. So maybe, maybe I can allow myself to go look at that coat I saw today... just look. Cause I probably wont want it when I see it again, probably. Uncertain.

My left eye went nutty after I carried that giant up the stairs, I don't know if I scratched it or if it's the paint fumes from my sorta scary huisgenot who's spraypainting things...I should not have encouraged her painting. (common, she showed me a painting she made saying she got inspired by the colours on my walls...haha) and I don't dare to write anything bad about her incase she would somehow see it and then break into my room in the middle of the night and kill me by dropping my newely bought magnetron in my head.

It's easy to leave the city

All you gotta do is walk the way your nose is pointing. Today I walked across the raileway bridge, saw ponnies that lives under the bridge and look horrible (their tails are tangled in what I would guess is from laying in theirt own or in one of the many many large piles of cows shit)...I also approached the cow babies fearing for my life in case I managed to upset one of the adults, you know cows can be quite scary.

I got away with a long glare from one if the big ones and keept on walking away from the city untill I reached a sign with Deventer crossed over in red. Then I keept walking in pursuit of a sign saying where I was seeing as it was no longer Deventer but all I could see was corn and even more corn so I turned back.

Notice the corn!

I did eventually manage to spot a sign saying Welcome to Gelderland. But my theory is that Gelderland isn't really a city its a province or something like that, or a subprovince maybe. I'm not completely certain how it works around here. I know I live in Deventer in the province of Overijsel.

I found my way back into the city and took a lap through the rather empty and quiet streets. I stumbled over the oldest house in Holland:

It's from 1130. Dang it, I just realised I forgot to touch it. I never touched anything that old. Haha.

On another little street I found these colourfull lill houses, like something out of a movie.

Good news

Or confirmation of something I allready knew ... and really hoped would be true. It seems that for my 5th semester at JMG we are doing a whole semesters internship. A payed internship. That means that I "only" have to worry about financing the 4th and the last semester. Hopefully the 6th semester can be finansed through journalistic work... if I play my cards right at my internship. The last semester is also folded for a big last paper which includes reaseraching, interviewing but most importantly - you choose how to dispose your time. I had a little dip in faith yesterday thinking about what awaits me after Holland. Now I'm back to my positive self and life looks good.

If only the coughing would stop. It is getting to be annoying. IT's another sunny beautiful day and a little later on I'm heading out into the sun.

Happy sunday ♥

Dutchie countryside

Fall is indeed closing in ....

Today it's been about 18 degrees and brightly sunny so I took a nice long walk and ended up leaving Deventer for Diepenveen.

In Diepenveen they are anti Zwolle apperantly:

I found a park - in Deventer - with all sorts of animals, this cute little thing was sleeping in the shadows:

It's been a lovely day and now I'm happilly sitting under my blanket enjoying doing absolutely nothing.

Sunny saturday

I just woke up about an hour ago and just finished eating breakfast. Batteries are charged and soon I'm heading out into the beautiful day outside armed with my camera. Today I'm going to explore my area a little closer. The plan is also to walk so far that I'll see a horse. That's today's game - spot a horse. Initially I was considering taking the train to Zwolle to look around a bit but I want to figure out what I want to see and do there before I do such a thing. And that is why I'm behind the computer still. The tourist in me has awaken and I bought me post-it's so that I can keep track of everything I want to see and do. It is time for a little structure here.

In october we have a week long autum break and after that a 2 week long exam period (we only have one exam though) so there will be plenty of time for fun things quite shortly. We are also going to be having wendsdays "off" which is super. My monday afternoons might be dedicated to Zwolle, I need to start gymming soon too. Since I'll probably be skipping the english lessons (not mandatory and gives 0 credits) monday afternoons are mine.

So now I'm gonna be nerdy and figure out what to see in Zwollw so I have an idea when it's time to go touristy there. Het Vligende Paard is apperantly something I need to see but thats for dinner with classmates.

Pink is good!

After an interesting day at the uni I decided to do a little shopping and tripped over a brightly pink calendar for 2010. It was irresistable, to my defence I'm going to need one for 2010 in like well 3 months...

The picture doesn't do it justice, the cover is actually really soft and furry. Haha. I'Ofcourse the inside is also pinkish..

Anyways so yea.. I'm happy. Haha. I also bought a PILLOW! It better be comfy.

Happy weekend!

In the morning

I don't know why or how but the mornings always comes to fast. After struggling a bit with myself I managed to drag myself out of bed, put the water boiler on fix me a sandwhich and here I sit with a cup of tea and the sun blinding me from through the window as it is slowly rising over the rooftops across the street.

It looks to be another beautiful day so enjoy it people. Fall is upon us.

Almost weekend

After a very long day ... I can't even remember when the day started and I'm quite sure we wasted quite alot of time today. Hopefully we'll get more productive and use our time better as we go along.

Tomorrow we are going to watch Fitna and the documentary last years Media Production students made. I need to start studying soon.. like, the theory stuff since that will be on the first exam early november or so. But considering that the exam consists of multiple choise questions and the teacher will tell us what subjects he'll use in the exam beforehand... not going to be very hard. The open question part will be on the stuff we do in the lectures.

Yesterday I had my first encounter with a rude dutch person. Haha..not much to tell, I was calling a manege since I'd love to ride a bit during my stay here and the woman answering didn't speak any english. Sooo I did my best explaining what I wanted in dutch and tell her that I don't speak alot of dutch when she says ok and hangs up. Interesting..


Haha.. I saw a woman with a bucket of horsie treats at the trainstation and I was so close to go up to her and like "hello. sorry, spreek je engels? Where are the horsies" haha.

I just called the customers service at and the woman understood english she said but she keept speaking in dutch. I didn't get much wiser. Or well I did I suppose, in a way. Considering to call those maneges around here aswell while I'm at it. But maybe I should figure out what to say in dutch in case they don't speak english...


Everyone is coughing in my house. I can't find my ipod wire so I can't put new music on it or charge it...that's gonna have to be a project one of the coming days to locate it. I suspect it might be in one of the clothes drawers - don't ask me how it got in there.

In about 35 minutes or so I'm off to the train to Zwolle for a very short day at he Windesheim. This afternoon I get a fridge and then I'm gona go out and do loads of groceries. I'm also gonna finish the texts I promised I would write for the SUN newsletter and mail them in. Right now I'm just sitting here enjoying my cup of tea and feeling pretty good.

Gonna try and arrange to go riding sometime soon... the sooner the better if I have my way. The withdrawals are severe!

Plenty of vuxenpoäng for me

I've done something I never thought I would do ..or atleast not untill the day I buy a house and all that. I've bough a fridge. These past few weeks I've lived life without a fridge and I can say the thought of ever having to do that never really occured to me before I was faced with reality. I am spoiled, I have been living a quite protected life and I take alot of things for granted.

And now I have bought myself a fridge and I'm so happy! That's also something I never really expected... that a fridge would make me happy. Haha. I shall get better and not take things for granted from now on. Tomorrow afternoon my shiney new (2nd hand but it looks like a brand new one!) perfect sized little fridge will be delivered and they will even carry it up the stairs for me ♥

I'm sensing a turning point in my life here. Tomorrow the life with a fridge begins and I really can't wait!

A very giving monday

The ability of turning the day to something really good even though it didn't start out very well is one I'm very pleased to be possessing. I woke up feeling not so human as I would like with a very nasty headache so I did what any sane person does in that situation and poped a very brightly pink pill, crawled back into bed and closed my eyes... for way to long. That was my morning class. After my additional sleep and the little colourfull pill did it's job I was back in action and headed for the train to Zwolle.

Uncertain about what time the afternoon class would actually start (the online schedule isn't very reliable) I sent a text to my teacher who didn't reply so upon arrival I went straight to the classroom where my classmates (we apperantly grew in numbers while I was away) was deeply focused on a video skype meeting with our client from Cairo. We have a little better idea of what's expected of us, even though it's still wide open and up to us what we want to do with it. By friday each 3 groups have to have come up with a concept that we're gonna pitch with the client in the next meeting. We're also gonna get to see the documentary last years student made but Vincent wants us to go into the project with fresh eyes so that will be after we've settled on a concept to work from.

What's really cool about the project is that we will be working together with students from Cairo. It's gonna be so cool. I also like it that 75% of my group (the dutchies haha) are thinking the same way that I do. The spanish guy and the belgian chick were both a bit overwhelmed talking about how much we have to do..I had to tell them off a bit because we have plenty of time. We will be 18 people working on this project and it will be a blast. Ofcourse we need to be realistic about the workload but there is no point starting off negative, if you're convinced it's gonna be hard and though it will be hard and tough. I for one am comvinced it's gonna be a great experience.

I'm so happy to be back in class again. Boho for sickness!

Kites high and low

I'm really unhappy that I didn't bring my camera for my walk today... there was a big kite flying festival whatever thingie this weekend and they were flying loads of kites in different shapes and forms by the river. They couldn't have picked a better weekend for such an event considering the weather.

On another note I'm feeling reaally good right now. Took a nice half long walk and came back in desperate need of a shower and food. Today I learned that a few supermarkets are actually open on sundays...I also learned that such an event equals dutchies hanging on the lock of the door of said supermerket to get in right on the minute they open. Fascinating, first time I ever saw a large number waiting outside a supermarket in that manner.

Dreams can be quite weird

Not that the one I had last night was very weird but it made me wake up with the weird feeling that I was going to Portugal. Don't ask me why because I haven't got a clue. There was a house that was almost falling appart where I was staying and it was raining constantly and suddenly I was told we were going to Portugal.

Tomorrow I'm going back to uni, I don't care if I sneeze constantly or cough my lounges out or if my ear is beeeeeeping because I tried to blow my nose (some weirdness there I'm going back. And after reading my groupmates email about what they did with the assignment we had to make I think I can actually pull off a 2 minute videoclip that my teacher might approve of and produce said clip on my way to the uni tomorrow. It's worth a try atleast. Ofcourse I've allready missed the group aspect of it and that's hard to fix but I can atleast try and make the best out of it.


What moron decided that if the person you're delivering a package for is not home you leave it to their neighbour? Without asking my permission to do so? Nowhere did I read that that was what would happen if I did not spend the whole day inside waiting for the stupid TNT to arrive. Ofcourse now that I got back and knock on the neighbours door they are not home. So within the hour I was away TNT managed to time in to leave my books at my neighbours who I have no clue who they are and then mentioned neighbours decides to leave home and go who knows where. Idiotic!

I was in a good mood, although feeling like crap.. before I saw the note from TNT. I bet the neighbours doesn't even speak english either when they finally do get home.

Now I'm getting myself worked up, haha. Atleast I got my cough medicine... one to calm the cough down (even though the woman didn't want to give me that because the point of the other kind is to loosen the slime up so I can cough it up.. nice and cosy) and one to make the slime less slimey.

I also got to see my little swan friends having a little adventure. I know, I should be writing about more interesting things but anyways. I come walking in my own little bubble of the world, lids over both ears and head feeling funny while trying not to cough on people. I see the duckmum who once had 3 ducklings that later on turned into one and apperantly now that little buddy is also gone...I'm hoping hes just playing with his friends with the other duckbabies.

Very thirsty swans. So where was I...I was walking along thinking that the swans weren't in their usual space when I notice an old man walking across the road with 3 swans ahead of him, hearing them over the street. It seems my little winged buddies decided to check the trainstation out, nnot quite a swan friendly place if you ask me. The old man guided them all the way over the road while cars keept going (morons) and into the water. One of the grown ups (the one drinking is a baby swan) were a little clumsy and I regret not having my camera up because he or she... went into the water in a volt.. landed on the back before scribbling around right side up.

To top this post off, a picture of my street.

So much for sleeping in...

Today I woke up somewhere around 8..feeling pretty good and decided I should go back to sleep. Thats when it started. The cough I had last night ripped a few holes in my chest but calmed down quickly. The cough of this morning just wouldn't stop. Pumped a few extra doses of astma meds in an attempt to ease the tickling of a breathing I had and now I'm sitting here wrapped in my blanket drinking tea.

As soon as I wake up properly I'm heading out in hunt for cough medicine... it looks to be a beautifull day and I really want to be able to enjoy it outside in the sun. I've had it with being sick :(

My uni email gave me a bit of a scare. It keept claiming that I entered the wrong password but it turns out the tech nerds in sweden are doing maintanance on the site so all login functions are down for the time being. Pfew. All contact I have with the uni here and in sweden goes through that email account.

It's getting better

After a shower and a short walk in a very sunny Deventer I'm actually feeling more human..Ofcourse long fast walks are still out of the question (the weather is taunting me I'm aching for a nice long walk ) so I just strawled and watched the baby swan jump into the water and swim around while his parents were grooming. Everyone else in a hurry somewhere, anywhere but there. Me I was not in any hurry and the sun was shining where I was standing and it felt good.

A small dose of D-vitamins was just what I needed. Now I'm curling up in my armchair again to watch the last mountainstage of the Vuelta and cheer for the dutchie that just might end up baging the whole thing. I'm watching more sports than ever right now.

I'm now a registered...

uhhhm, swede in Deventer.

Uni started monday and it has been fun so far. Less great is that I find myself having to admitt to being sick. Today I missed our brainstorming/group meeting but I'm working on getting better - drinking loads of tea for one - so that hopefully I'll feel good enough to go tomorrow atlest.

The school is profiliing itself as a college, very much towards young people that just moved out of home and just want to have fun and party lots basically. And the administration and the students network people all seem to assume that exchange students are like lost sheeps in need to be herded around (or having their hands held). I guess its not a bad thing if you indeed do feel lost and lonely and need help with things but it's a bit riduculous when you're fully capable of taking care of yourself. I was told I can go by train from Deventer to Zwolle after I let them know where I would be staying... like I hadn't checked transportation possibilities before saying yes to the room.

We have to write a journal..diary for school, every day and evaluate our own work/effort and so on... right back to drama class in highschool where we had to do exactly the same. Our teacher is cool though and the course will be demanding but fun.

Anyways.. now I'm starting to feel crappier again so enough blogging for now!

I miss something furry

That likes to sleep on my feet...

Theres nothing that'll warm cold feet than a furry, sleepy catbody sprawled all over them...

Heaps and heaps of books

And my feet are cold. Really cold just like that, like ice. But they'll soon be warm again I'm sure. Today I've entertained myself with ordering books, it's one of my favourite things to do I think.. besides reading them I guess, but the picking the books out and ordering them and then wait for the package to arrive is almost as giving. In a weird way.. but I like the thought of new books. Not knowing what to expect. And if the book is good, if it can manage to sweep you away out of reality for a bit... love that feeling. Not that reality is bad in any way, I love the reality I'm in. Today I'm in a fairly cloud Deventer with a bit of rain. Perfect sunday weather. Next to my computer is a big cup of steaming hot tea and I can hear the wind pull at the branches and the leaves of the tree outside...I myself is sitting in my armchair.. fleeceblankie wrapped around my legs.

Life is good!

Smiles for free

Today I'm the poorest of poor

Or well. I was. Or so it felt, but the moment passed quickly. Am still a bit poor though. Poor enough to allow myself to order pizza for dinner so I wont have to cook. Plus I'm really curious to try out this whole order-pizza-online thing. I mean I'll have to try it eventually, what better time than now!

Just got an invitation to go to Groningen and visit izzy from my EILC class, the ESN is arranging excursions that might be interesting to join in on. Giethoorn excursion (I have no idea what that is haha) and Dutch Manscape excursion. I'll look into the details and see if I'll go with her on one of them.

Happy weekend and thank you ♥


I'm not sure what I thought I'd have to write here at the time being... I'm sitting here with heavy eyes wishing that I'd stayed in bed just a little bit longer. But I sleep to much, generally, so I got out of bed in an attempt to be a good girl and here I sit. I think I'm gonna make me a big steaming cup of tea and maybe flip a page or two in one of the dutch chick-lit books I bought yesterday..or maybe in Kafka on the shore, I'm curious to begin with that one.

Dutchie Robinson

In my new though old armchair:

On my new but old tv:

And thats all for today!

Boho it's raining


I'm waiting for my TV and my armchair that, according to the lady at the kringloopwinkel.. should arrive before 15.00 this afternoon. Churchbells are ringing outside, the wind is pulling at the branches of the huge tree on the other side of the street and the sky is grey.

This afternoon I'm going to Zwolle for my first class in dutch language.. After that I'm a watch footie on my new tv!

I have shoes!

And a dutch phonenumber. cotton sweatpants. Haha. That plus two pink candle thingies is the result of todays shopping.

It's a definite minus not knowing the city you wanna go shopping in very well. Tho I am starting to get the hanf of Deventer I think. It's hard to say, I might have missed half of the city or something ... the center is filled with cute little shopping streets and gourgeous buildings... I love the buildings and the ancient doors and house decorations and everything. All very cosy. I regret that I forgot to bring my camera today when the sun was shining ... there is plenty of things that I want to get pictures of.

Tomorrow I get my armchair (and to figure out how to get it up the stairs, haha) and my TV!

Summer's not over yet

I hope.. the dutch weather has not been at it's best past week but now the sun is shining against a bright blue sky. I hope this weather is gonna last for some time to come now.. but in order not to get caught and soaked in the rain again I'm gonna go shopping for a rainsuit today. What better day to do that on than a sunny day?

The room is rather cosy now... the vloerbedekking is not at all so bad after I went over it with a vaccumecleaner. I got an armchair and a tv arriving tomorrow, thats gonna add to making it even cosier. I've been sitting in my bed since I moved in thursday about time that changes.

I don't have much interesting to say so ..I'll get back when I do. Now I'm gonna read a bit before it's shopping time.

After a very long day

Now i just need to make the rest of the room less of a mess and  a bit cosier...


The after picture doesn't make our hard work justice...but here goes:

A work in progress:

And the result:

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

I'm moving to Deventer... yay.

Hopefully we can get me a fridge then, cause it's gonna suck not having one even if it's only for a few days. I'm gonna be poking around the ikea site today and see what I can get there for a reasonable price .. a madress for certain, pillows... maybe a comp desk or such. We're gonna pay a visit to the kringloopswinkel in Deventer aswell and hope that they have some of the things that I'll be needing. The room is gonna turn out great, the paint made it look all warm and cosy... It was raining in Deventer yesterday and it was all grey and dull outside but it still looked as if a nice warm lamp was on inside the room (while there is no lamp in there at all yet). I'm hapy with the colour choises and the paint wasn't very expensive either so I'd say it was well worth it!

Dead fish

Sore muscles and a very nicely painted room.

Frouk has nibbled on fish, yesterday.. the remains are still laying in a plastic thingie on the desk...Its smoked fish she said, that doesnt rotten that fast. Riight.

Today we've been up and awake since I cant remember how early, yawns. We didnt get back untill past 10 tonight, covered with paint and dirt.. after Deventer we went out for dinner in Utrecht, I got pizza and a beer which was just what I needed after painting the whole day. I'm gonna be sore absolutely everywhere tomorrow I can just feel it.

Gonna cuddle up in bed in a few and sleep half of the day tomorrow atleast! On thursday we are gonna get furniture for my room so that I can actually move there for real then. That's gonna be great! But first sleep.... 

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