I'm taking today off

Its mildley grey outside ... the rain stopped however, but I dont feel like doing anything right now. That will probably change soon enough but for the moment I'm content with sitting in my armchair enjoying my nicely warm room because someone defied the huurbas and turned the termostat up. He will probably turn it off soon enough, but for now and the past few hours its been pumping out lovely heat in this house.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours in Natuur Park Ossenwaald, walking around the whole thing and made aquaintances with a little cat that was out taking a walk. It was the cutest little thing because it thought that it was there all alone out hunting in the protection of the high grass and the bushes so I started following it for a little. Of course I am not as quiet and good at sneaking on things like a cat is and I was soon discovered so I started talking and the kitty replied by miauuing and then coming up to me purring loudly as I stroke the furr. I don't care if he might have had fleas or whatever (Froukje almost ruined a moment I had with a stray cat in Zeist saying it might have fleas..lol) it was a very social little creature and after we had both cuddled enough I got up and left and when I looked back the kitty was on his way in the direction he was going when I interrupted.

I think this is my favourite place around here.


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